We hope this update finds everyone well. We want to update everyone on Angel Pawz and how we have been operating during the coronavirus outbreak. First and foremost Juliet and Remy had a litter on 6/12/20 their litter is SOLD. Our Bailey and Remy are due with a litter around 7/11/2020. Because of the coronavirus outbreak there has been a MAJOR influx of puppy injuries. Here at Angel Pawz we run a significantly smaller kennel. We have 5 breeding girls, 2 breeding boys, and we average about 23 puppies per year. Needless to say we have created an in order waiting list of when we get calls and emails, from whom, and what gender/color people are looking for. At the rate we are getting calls and emails, we are going to have some people waiting until next year. This is in no way to deter you from getting an Angel Pawz puppy. This is to let people know that you may have to wait, we aren’t forgetting about anyone. We have been a great kept secret for a long time, the coronavirus has shined a light on us and our business that we are grateful for. That being said, we can’t change the way we have been breeding and raising puppies for 13 years just to meet people’s demands. We put their health and safety first and foremost and we absolutely will never lower our standards so we can continue giving people the happiest, healthiest babies possible. We have also had to operate very differently. We are going by our waiting list and calling people once we have a puppy for them. People are picking their puppy through pictures. Deposit contracts are going out by mail. We have had to forego 6 week visits, and puppies have been leaving from our backyard as opposed to in the house. We have been sending puppies families pictures and video as often as we can. We greatly appreciate everyone’s patience with us during this time, and we hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
Hi everyone, we have had a huge influx in emails. As most of you know we are a very small breeding program. We adopted out 23 puppies in 2017, and 22 puppies in 2018. In the last 3 months we have had over 250 emails, and at least 40 of those are still contacting us on a regular basis for puppies. To say its overwhelming is probably a huge understatement because the last thing we want to do is promise people something we cannot give them. So if you have sent an email that we have not gotten back too, please be patient with us. We only have so many puppies, and trust us there are more of you than the amount of puppies we will have all year. As of right now we have two puppies available from Elsa and Felix’s litter born on 3/3/19. One is a Black and Tan Male, the other is a Tri-Color male. Recently we retired two of our girls, Sadie and Keira. We will be growing up two girls in place of them, Scarlet, and Juliet. We also have our Emmy due around the 14th of March and we are expecting all tri-colors from her. Shes looking like she will have 2-4 puppies. Again if you have sent us and email or have called and left a voicemail, we are getting to them as fast as possible. We also have to keep track of who is calling and when. You can follow us on Instagram as well as our FaceBook page for the quickest updates.h
Hi everyone! Exciting things are always happening here, most recently Poppy had her first litter of puppies on Tuesday the 18th of September. She had 4 beautiful little boys who will be able to go home around the 13th of November at 8 weeks old. For the first time in a LOOOONG time we will not have any litters going home right at Christmas time, we have all Thanksgiving puppies! This coming weekend we will be announcing Emmy’s new litter as well! They were born this last Saturday night (the 22nd) and as most of you know we like to give the babies and mommy a week to settle in before we let people know what the girls have had. Emmy’s puppies will be able to go home around the 17th of November. We will say as per usual, Emmy had all Emmy’s! Meaning Emmy only likes to make carbon copies of herself and had all Tri-Colors…Again! That means once again, no Blenheims this time around. However come Spring we will be Breeding Bailey and Sadie who are both Blenheim girls. We will finally be getting some Blenheims more consistently in our litters! If anyone has any questions you know where to find us!
Hello everyone! We have several updates for this coming spring that we are very excited about. Holly had her litter on 03/18/2018, a Blenheim boy and Blenheim girl. We also have Emmy due around the 8th of April and Riley due early June. We do have 5 deposits down between these three litters so we are going to explain what that means.
Deposits: Puppies are picked at 6 weeks in order that receive deposits. Puppies are not seen before 6 weeks for health reasons, and also so people can see clearer what the puppies look like. Before 2 weeks they do not have their eyes or ears open, and are not really walking until 3 weeks. This means that we don’t know until 6 weeks who is available and who is not. We do not choose puppies for people. Someone with a deposit down is welcome to skip a litter until they get the puppy that they want. This also means that if you have a deposit down it does not necessarily mean that you are first or last depending on what you are looking for and what others are looking for. Although we do like to know what you’re looking for initially, minds can change and we respect that.
Until Holly’s puppies are 6 weeks old we will not know if anyone is available or not. However if you have a deposit down we do give you week to week updates until that 6 week period when we schedule visits for people to come out and meet the puppies, again in order that we receive deposits.
We have a busy spring and early summer coming up with these 3 litters, but please feel to email or call us with any questions. We will be updating the “Puppies Available” page as often as possible.
~Kathie, Kristyn, and Megan
Hello everyone, we have know it’s been a while since we have posted but we have had a very very busy spring/summer season! For future litters we won’t have any puppies born as of right now until mid September at the earliest. We are literally waiting for girls to go into heat. Upcoming puppies will be Thanksgiving/Christmas puppies! So look in about 1-2 months for updates!
~Kathie, Kristyn, and Megan
We are happy to report 2017 as another heart clear year in the books! Even our growing up doggies were cleared for the first time, Luna, Keira, Murphy, and Felix! Our new upcoming litter is the end of the month (May) Emmy and Murphy are expecting their first litter together. Emmy has only had tri-colors in the past. However Murphy is Blenheim on both mom and dads side, where Brody’s father was Tri-Color and his mother Blenheim. So we could have some Blenheims this time around!! Look for an update on what Emmy and Murphy have had after the 1st of June! This will be our last summer litter!
After 10 years of breeding Brody has been neutered. Brody was our first and only male for a very long time and neutering him was a hard decision, but the best for his health so he can live as long as possible. He has given so much to us as a family just by being the incredible dog he is. He is not going anywhere, we couldn’t let Bubbas go for anything. He was neutered on the 23rd and is back to his normal self. Juno, Brody’s daughter with Izzie was also spayed on the 23rd. She has never wanted to breed so she will continue to be our beloved pet! Worry not because we have Brody’s daughters Riley and Keira to continue his legacy, as well as our stud Donatello, his son and Juno’s little brother. It’s odd to say we will no longer have Brody babies running around. We just celebrated the 10th birthday of Angel Pawz very first litter on the 7th of February. Here is to another 10 years and a leisurely retirement for Brody!
Hi Everyone. We hope everyone has gotten through winter fairly unscathed, it was a fairly mild one! Just a few quick updates on what is happening here at Angel Pawz. We have four litters coming up from Riley, Olive, Holly, and Beas. All of their litters can have all four colors, therefore we will not know what they have until they give birth. We currently have 5 deposits down between these litters and puppies are picked in order that we receive deposits. Because the puppies health is of upmost importance to us they are not exposed to other people besides us until they are 6 weeks old. So that is when people come out and pick their puppies, again in order that we receive deposits. Because we have not been breeding Blenheim to Blenheim we are currently NOT taking deposits on Blenheim. Emmy will be going into heat soon and having a litter more towards end of may. We also have Keira, and Luna who will both be turning a year this summer and can have BLENHEIMS and tri-colors. Pending they breed they will have litters late fall. One thing we wanted to touch on was our Angel Pawz Cavaliers FaceBook page. We do not sell puppies through the Facebook page. Megan runs and opperates the FB page, you can see dogs we dog-sit, our daily lives with our dogs, birth announcements, and puppies available are also put on there. It’s an amazing way to keep in contact with our puppy people who have babies from us as well. However please contact us through a phone call, or Email if you are interested in a puppy. Please also do not text us. We always prefer a phone call because it’s more personal. This is a very personal “job” for everyone involved and we like to be able to talk to people, and get to know them, and let them get to know us as well. That’s all for right now but with puppies coming there will be A LOT more updates!
The website has been completely updated! Finally! So here is whats new here….
Current Litters:
Holly and Remy born October 1st (2016)
2 Black and Tan Females (1 deposit is down for pick of the two)
1 Ruby Female
1 Ruby Male
We are currently taking deposits on the Ruby Girl, and Black and Tan girl (we will know which b/t girl is available at 6 weeks of age)
Briseis and Remy born October 13th 2016
2 Black and Tan Males
1 Ruby Female
1 Tri-Color Male (Sold)
We are currently taking deposits on the Ruby female, and one of the Black and Tan Males
Upcoming Litter:
Emmy and Brody, due around the 15th of November. Their litter can have Blenheims and Tri-Colors however their last two litters were completely full of tri-colors. We personally are keeping a boy out of this litter.
Olive and Donatello, due around the 23rd of November. Their litter can have all four colors.
We have one current deposits down for Tri-Colors between these three litters and one for a male
As always puppies are picked in order that deposits are received
Elsa and Remy, due around the 25th of November. Elsa is a daughter of Alice and Tucker. We WILL NOT be taking any deposits on this litter until it is born.
We have also kept several puppies from our last two litters, Keira from Emmy and Brody, as well as Luna and Sabrina from Riley and Remy. We have also have one new addition of Murphy who is a Blenheim male. Lets just say raising 5 puppies has been a bit chaotic as is keeping all of us on our toes! Things are always changing in a breeding program, girls are retired and we have to add new blood into the mix to keep it happy and healthy. Its an exciting time around here!
Hey everyone. I’ve been a little lax with the website, I apologize, holidays have been crazy. Emmy had her litter on 12/07/15, both of her tri-color girls are spoken for, her tri-color boys are still available. Olive is due next month and we have deposits on that litter, we will not be taking anymore until we know what she has. Not much else to update on, Emmy’s puppies are growing and doing great! They have been named after 101 Dalmations, Pongo, Perdi, Jewel, and Patch. Pictures of them individually will be up within the next week!
Everyone have a great New Year’s weekend!