Puppy Supplies

We use an array of supplies here at Angel Pawz. Here is a list of important products that we use to help you out with transitioning your puppy into their new home!

• Purina Pro Plan Chicken and Rice Adult Food (Black and Orange bag)

• Purina Pro Plan Chicken and Rice Small Breed Puppy Food (Black and Blue Bag)

When your puppy goes home they are on 1/3 of a cup three times a day until they are 12 weeks of age. After this, they eat 1/3 of a cup twice a day, or 1/2 of a cup depending on their activity level. Once they are one year of age, they are to be switched to the Adult formula.

• Plain Cheerios are great for potty training, and are a must-have for us!

• Old Mother Hubbard all natural biscuits variety bag small bone shape. We recommend feeding them no more than two treats a day and to break them into smaller pieces.

• Kongs filled with peanut butter are also a great treat.

• Nylabones are a great choice for all of their chewing needs. They have many different shapes and types that are great for all stages. We strongly recommend not giving them the edible nylabones since they can cause digestive issues.

We stay away from any kind of rawhides, or otherwise edible bones, and most stuffed toys. Children’s toys are often stuffed with flame retardant batting, and if ingested this can be fatal to your pet.

• For baths we use the EQYSS Micro-Tek Shampoo and Premier Rinse Conditioner, they also have a pet spray that is good for freshening up.

• For ears we use the All Natural Tea Tree Oil by Naturvet or BioGroom, either works great for keeping their ears clean. This product can be found on Amazon.

• We recommend using small, cat nail clippers. These make it much easier to clip puppy nails.

• Lupine brand collars are great for your new puppy. They are guaranteed for life, even if they are chewed. We recommend using a four foot leash, anything else is too long for your puppy.

• For crates we use the MidWest brand, and recommend sizing up. It is important that your Cavalier can sit, stand, and comfortably move around their crate.

• We recommend using inexpensive towels for their crate whilst they are puppies since they are in the process of being potty trained, and are teething. They are easy to wash, or replace, and we suggest waiting until your Cavalier is properly trained to invest in any type of dog bed.

Here are some places that we purchase our products from:

Kingwholesale.com , Jefferspet.com, and Revivalanimalhealth.com 

© 2011 AngelPawz Cavaliers