Hi Everyone. We hope everyone has gotten through winter fairly unscathed, it was a fairly mild one! Just a few quick updates on what is happening here at Angel Pawz. We have four litters coming up from Riley, Olive, Holly, and Beas. All of their litters can have all four colors, therefore we will not know what they have until they give birth. We currently have 5 deposits down between these litters and puppies are picked in order that we receive deposits. Because the puppies health is of upmost importance to us they are not exposed to other people besides us until they are 6 weeks old. So that is when people come out and pick their puppies, again in order that we receive deposits. Because we have not been breeding Blenheim to Blenheim we are currently NOT taking deposits on Blenheim. Emmy will be going into heat soon and having a litter more towards end of may. We also have Keira, and Luna who will both be turning a year this summer and can have BLENHEIMS and tri-colors. Pending they breed they will have litters late fall. One thing we wanted to touch on was our Angel Pawz Cavaliers FaceBook page. We do not sell puppies through the Facebook page. Megan runs and opperates the FB page, you can see dogs we dog-sit, our daily lives with our dogs, birth announcements, and puppies available are also put on there. It’s an amazing way to keep in contact with our puppy people who have babies from us as well. However please contact us through a phone call, or Email if you are interested in a puppy. Please also do not text us. We always prefer a phone call because it’s more personal. This is a very personal “job” for everyone involved and we like to be able to talk to people, and get to know them, and let them get to know us as well. That’s all for right now but with puppies coming there will be A LOT more updates!
On February 27, 2017, In New & Noteworthy, by Kristyn