We are happy to announce Brody and Beas (Briseis) newest litter. Born on 6/20/2015 All the babies are happy, healthy and thriving. Mommy is doing great! Beas had 1 Blenheim boy, and 1 Blenheim girl, 1 Black and Tan boy, and one Black and Tan girl, and one little Tri-Color girl. A total of 5 puppies! We currently have 3 deposits on the litter. Puppies are picked in order of deposits at 5/6 weeks old. Both of Alice’s boy are sold and leaving for new homes very soon. Olive is due the end of July and we can expect a variety of colors with her, as we did with Beas.
On June 23, 2015, In New & Noteworthy, by Kristyn