Hey Everyone!
I wanted to add a few changes we have added to the dogs diets, well its really only one. I have started using a supplement with the puppies and the adults called NuVet Plus, I have made a page for it on here so everyone can check it out and have some information it. I have really noticed especially in the puppies and the moms who are pregnant or nursing that it is really adding a boost to their immune systems. I have done a heck of a lot of research, even contacted another breeder I noticed was using it to see if it was a good idea to add it to the dogs diets. It has given them incredible coats, even after birth when the girls blow their coats. The puppies love it in their food. And one of the bonuses is the protection against allergies it has. I have loved it for Brody who is coming up on 10, as added protection as he gets older. Check out the NuVet tab, and any questions, as I tell everyone…Call or email me!