New Puppy pictures are up, and the puppy supply list has been changed a bit. One of the biggest changes here at Angel Pawz is we have gone completely green. We are now using Legacy of Clean products around the house, they are all plant based cleaners, we no longer use Clorox clean up, or 409 chemical disinfectants. The Legacy of Clean, and Pursue medical grade disinfectants have no chemicals or the chemical odors that Clorox and 409 have. We even use the laundry detergent on all our dog towels, All the products are plant based, and smell great. You can find them at The best thing about these products is the dogs, or children can get into them, and nothing bad will happen, they are all plant based, we no longer have to air out all the dog cages when they have been cleaned because there are no longer any fumes. You can also me (Kristyn) personally to see some of the products, and smell them and see how they work. All the products are in the same price range as everything you already use, just green, no chemicals or additives.