Our Olive and Tucker are expecting a litter at the tail end of December/Early January, so Early 2014 look out for the announcement of their puppies.
We are receiving many inquires about getting a puppy for Christmas, and right now we have four puppies that are available to leave; you can see them on the “puppies available” page. One of the reasons we usually don’t have a litter for Christmas is because the holidays are very hectic and training a puppy adds to the business of the Holiday season. When getting a puppy after the Holidays or a bit before, it’s best to avoid throwing a little puppy into chaos. There is an adjustment period for the puppy as well as the family and it’s very overwhelming to a puppy going into a new home, let alone going into a new home, and being surrounded by holiday parties. It helps if the puppy has an adjustment period before and time with its immediate family before being introduced to a party of people. It also helps us with scheduling puppy visits and pick-ups. In years past we have had people wanting to pick up puppies on Christmas Eve, and have always accommodated, but what people don’t realize is that this isn’t just a business, it’s a family, and it throws not only our plans off, but yours as well. Having 2 or 3 weeks for a puppy to adjust to its environment, and its new family is of the utmost importance to us so that the puppy has a comfortable transition from our family to yours.